Creaky Heating System? Time for a Check-Up

Creaky Heating System? Time for a Check-Up

Now that there’s a chill in the air, homeowners have been firing up their heating systems. When the heat is running, are you hearing new creaks and squeaks from your boiler or furnace? Does it start up with a bang? Make a squealing noise or sound like it’s...
Get your fireplace in tip-top shape for the winter

Get your fireplace in tip-top shape for the winter

Is the thought of using your fireplace scary? Has it been a while since you had your chimney cleaned and inspected? Although Halloween is around the corner, no one wants to be haunted by a fireplace that is in disrepair and downright dangerous to use. We can help. If...
Fall Interior Home Maintenance

Fall Interior Home Maintenance

  After tackling exterior fall home maintenance, it’s time to turn your attention to your home’s interior.  There are a number of interior projects that need attention before the temperature plummets.   Weather Stripping – Each entrance to your home...
Fall Exterior Home Maintenance

Fall Exterior Home Maintenance

Fall is here and you may have already noticed that the winds have picked up and leaves have already begun to change color and flutter to the ground. This is your cue to get moving on key maintenance projects in preparation for winter.   To make things a bit...
Aging in Place

Aging in Place

In our previous blog this month, we talked about utilizing Universal Design concepts to create functional, inviting spaces that meet the needs of everyday life while also enabling homeowners to age in place. There are renovations that specifically address the...
Safe, Familiar and Home

Safe, Familiar and Home

Growing older can sometimes present a variety of mobility, accessibility, dexterity and cognitive issues. Not only might this be true for those actually living in the home, but it also may be the case for other family members or friends who visit. At The Remodeling...